Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Nine month pictures

My babies are growing up and getting ready for their first Christmas. 

What an amazing year it has been. 

Thursday, 24 October 2013

8 Months

This Sunday the twins will be 8 months.

I'm constantly amazed at how quickly they learn, and master new skills, while they are not crawling yet they are almost there, and I know when April finally figures it out she will be zipping around.  Charlie being a boy is happy just sitting and watching the world go by.

In the last few days both of their bottom teeth have started coming through, Charlie has been getting up in the middle of the night, but I think this is more because I took him off the night time sleepy formula, so tonight I will put him back onto that.

The laws regarding passports for children born through surrogacy changed in April this year, your now require the surrogates consent for a passport, I didn't both trying to do that and just filled out a couple of exemption forms, it took three months for me to get their new passports, most of that was because of incorrect advice being provided by the Passports Office and overzealous Australia Post workers who kept refusing to accept the forms for the most stupid reasons.

Such as the person stating that they knew the children wrote "known for 6 months" but because when it was signed they were only 5 months and 24 days, so the forms had to be redone.  Once redone we completed N/A under the years field and then 5 months, Australia Post rejected it again saying they should have wrote 00 Years 05 months, after that and a whole other bunch of mishaps I made an appointment to deal directly with the passports office.  I hate to say it but the FRRO were far better than Australia post.

So if you are in Australia and need to get a new passport, make sure you allow plenty of time, in theory and for a lot of people I know it has been very straight forward, but just in case it pays to be prepared.

I really do miss India and would love to live and work there and expose the kids more to the Indian culture, but I don't think I will return before the kids turn 6.  I have found this adorable youtube clip of nursery rhymes in Hindi.  It goes for about 15 minutes and is fairly cute.  Here is the link if anyone is interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFzZmO7CexY

I'm still working out returning to work, I am currently on leave from my job in Canberra until early next year. When I found out I was having twins I decided to move to Perth to be closer to family to have that additional support when needed, the problem is that Canberra is more than 3000km away so I am trying to negotiate working out of the Perth office.  I am sure something will work out.

Here are a few pictures from the last couple of months.


Thursday, 29 August 2013

6 months.

One of these days I will find time to write more. 

6 months has flown.   But it feels like a lifetime ago that I was in India.   They both constantly amaze me.  

Looking forward to getting back there one day.  I'm currently in the process of updating their passports.  

See how much they change in 6 months. 

Monday, 29 July 2013

Trip to Sydney.

Well thought we would take a 2 week holiday to Sydney and Canberra.

I'm hoping my work in Canberra will be flexible and let me work from Perth as I'm not keen on commuting that far.

Everything is well. The kids are happy and good sleepers. April has a brace on for a few more weeks to correct her clicky hip.

Here's some pics from Sydney.

Friday, 5 July 2013


I'm just to lazy to type this week

But we have started solids.


Wednesday, 26 June 2013

15 seconds of fame.


Part of the story in the Australian woman's weekly.

Monday, 17 June 2013

Dancing time

Charlie trying his dance moves on April who was less than impressed



Tuesday, 11 June 2013

15 weeks

They grow so quickly.
15 weeks.

Parenthood is going well. I'm very used to 'where's mum?' Question. I tend to go a bit stir crazy staying at home so tend to head out everyday. The kids love the shops and anywhere that is busy and noisy.

Last week I decided to travel and visit some friends and family in the south west of the state. The bubs did well sleeping in a different house each night and it was lovely seeing family.

Here are a couple of pictures from the last couple of weeks


Tuesday, 14 May 2013

A bit slack

I've been a bit slack in updating the blog as there seems to never be enough hours in the day and the lack of Internet hasn't helped.

April and Charlie are going pretty well. They started sleeping through the night the other week. Now I just need to get used to sleeping through the night.

I consider myself so lucky to have these two amazing children. My heart completely melts when the look into my eyes and smile.

Here are a couple of pictures.

Oh and I decided to rethink the nappy/diaper bag and ended up getting a tool bag... What do you think ... $16 bucks, hard wearing and practice. Did I mention butch?

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Mongolian blue spot

Charlie has the Mongolian blue birth mark on his ankle. Which easily looks like a bruise and is common is south East Asians.

It should disappear before he starts school.
